Saturday, January 26, 2008

Score System

So, there are an awful lot of score systems out there. There is the standard star system of either four or five stars. There is an "Out of Ten" system rating it on a scale of one to ten. There is a letter grade system from F to A+.

But my system is an out of 100 system. I really like Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes, and they both use out of 100 systems to rate movies. So, I shall, too. Here is a breakdown:

100- You won't find any movies getting this score. This is a perfect score. I've never seen a totally perfect movie.

90-99-Absolutely great. Amongst the best of all time. Definitely see in the theatres.

80-89- Pretty dang good. Possibly see it in the theater, definitely buy it on DVD. Probably Top 10 of the Year candidates.

70-79- Good. Entertaining, but not quite a favorite. Rental, possibly ownable on DVD.

60-69- Decent. Had potential, but probably only has limited appeal. Only rent if you are a fan of the particular genre.

50-59- Average. Completely unmemorable in every way imaginable. Only watchable once or twice.

40-49- Below average. Manages to fail at most things but somehow is able to not totally suck.

30-39- Bad. Don't see it. It may have had an inkling of something decent, but has lost all of it.

Below 30- Varying degrees of terrible. Never see anything in this level unless you are paid copius amounts of money, prizes, and/or sex.

There you go. The next post will be a list of all the movies I've seen from 2007 complete with ratings I gave them, just so you know my tastes.

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