Thursday, January 31, 2008

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters review


If I could only use one word to describe this movie, that's what it would be. This movie has, after one viewing, become a personal favorite of mine.

This documentary follows the rivalry of Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell, the two best Donkey Kong players in the world. Over four years, the two go back and forth to try to claim the world record score of Donkey Kong. Eventually, one of them will be named the Guiness Book World record holder.

This film follows a ragtag group of people that you can just FEEL love playing arcade games competitively. But, ther has to be one villain. There has to be one person who just ruins the whole game. You know the guy- the guy who hangs over your shoulder and makes fun of you while claiming he is the greatest of all time. That man is Billy Mitchell. At the beginning of the film, he holds the record for Donkey Kong. He is the biggest jerk I've ever seen. He's the real life incarnation of Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball. He's either playing up this role for publicity, or he really is the most disillusioned prick in the world.

Steve, on the other hand, is the hero. He's the guy you love to root for. He's the underdog. He cares for his family more than he cares about being on top. He takes the time out to practice and travel in order to get the record. He's just a great guy.

All of the supporting "characters" are great, too. These people are real people, and the movie is rooted in real life, which makes the movie of the highest value. It actually has a story, characters, plot...everything a good movie or book has- but it's real. rareyl is life so dramatic and funny. This is such an amazing film. I can't find anything wrong with it other than it's only 80 minutes long. But it's such a great 80 minutes. i won't give away the ending, but it's great. It's a classic. i don't know how a documentary can become a classic, but it better.


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