Sunday, February 24, 2008

No Country, Blood, and Bourne Win Big at Oscars

This year's 80th Annual Academy Award ceremony went off with a bang after a nearly four month writers strike ended a few weeks ago. Here's a quick rundown of the year's big winners:

No Country for Old Men: Best Supporting Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Director, Best Picture.

There Will Be Blood: Best Cinematography, Best Actor

The Bourne Ultimatum: Best Sound Editing, Best Sound, Best Film Editing

La Vie en Rose: Best Makeup, Best Actress

Juno: Best Original Screenplay

Michael Clayton: Best Supporting Actress

Ratatouille: Best Animated Feature

Atonement: Best Original Score

Once: Best Original Song

Sweeney Todd: Best Art Direction

Elizabeth The Golden Age: Best Costume Design

The Golden Compass: Best Visual Effects

Only four films received multiple awards, and the big winner- No Country for Old Men- only received four of the eight it was nominated for. The Bourne Ultimatum won all three awards it was nominated for. La Vie En Rose was surprisingly strong, winning makeup and actress. I was personally disappointed that There Will Be Blood only won two of a possible eight awards. I was pissed when The Golden effing Compass won Visual Effects(because we all know that Transformers had by far the best visual effects put to the screen to date). I was extremely happy when Day-Lewis won for Acting and Once won Best Original Song. I was disappointed that Ratatouille only won one of the five awards it was nominated for. Overall, a pretty good night. It was funny, exciting, and overall had that classic vibe to it that's been missing recently. Great awards night.

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