Monday, March 3, 2008

2008 Summer Preview

Ah, the summer movie season. Last year we had the year of the "threequel" with Rush Hour, Bourne, Pirates, Shrek, and Spider-Man all getting big adaptations. This year is less glamorous, but looks to be just as big. Here's a rundown of the big movies and how much I think they'll make.

Iron Man(May 2)- 225 million
Speed Racer(May 9)- 75 million
Prince Caspian(May 16)- 280 million
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull(May 23)- 330 million
Sex and the City(May 30)- 180 million
You Don't Mess With the Zohan(June 6) - 115 million
Kung Fu Panda(June 6)- 190 million
The Incredible Hulk(June 13)- 150 million
The Happening(June 13)- 60 million
Get Smart(June 20)- 175 million
The Love Guru(June 20)- 70 million
Wall-E(June 27)- 250 million
Wanted(June 27)- 210 million
Hancock(July 4)- 300 million
Hellboy II(July 11)- 140 million
The Dark Night(July 18)- 350 million

I thikn Hancock will be the surprise this summer. It's the only movie July 4th weekend, and it has Will Smith. That guarantees you 200 million right there. Obviously Wall-E, Dark Night, Iron Man, Indiana Jones, and Narnia will all be huge. I think The Love Guru, The Happening, and Speed Racer will all flop. X Files 2, Mummy 3, Bond 22, and Harry Potter 6 all have later summer or fall release dates, but they'll all be pretty big, especially Bond and Potter.

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